Where I Was Again Provided With

Para pemenang beasiswa UMN di OSC 2017

Photo with the twenty best participants who received UMN scholarships at OSC 2017 with Vice Rector 2 UMN, Ir. Andrey Andoko, MSc (Center Left).

On Monday (18/12) night at Kuningan Metropolis Hall Jakarta, The Awarding Night Online Scholarship Competition (OSC) 2017 with Avitec and Metrotvnews.com held. A total of 12 universities on the island of Java participated and supported the OSC 2017 event, including Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN). This twelvemonth is the third twelvemonth of UMN's participation in osc.

(Baca juga: UMN Kembali Berikan Beasiswa Lewat OSC 2017)

Awarding Nighttime OSC 2017 is the culmination of a series of competitions to win online scholarships since August 2017.  A total of 840 OSC 2017 students from diverse regions in Indonesia gathered in Dki jakarta to behave tests conducted offline and interview process since Monday (18/12) forenoon. So each university must select the best 20 participants from 70 participants who have offline tests and interviews.

For UMN itself, participants who came to accept the offline test as many as 71 people. At Awarding Dark, the best 20 participants were selected for getting high scores in the offline scholarship test at UMN. Here are the names that managed to get the scholarship offered by UMN which is 100% free of base of operations coin and tuition semester one and too OSC scholarships (i.east. tuition-free for i semester if the kid gets the highest IPS in his or her major, and valid for the next semester):

  1. Sabilla Raihanah (SMA Negeri 52 Jakarta)
  2. Vania Intan (SMAS Xaverius Bukittinggi)
  3. Zackho Wisely Darmawan (SMAN 2 Djakarta)
  4. Kelly Sandy (SMAN 2 Jakarta)
  5. Eki Yogawanto (SMA Negeri Sumatera Selatan)
  6. Ivana Chrisnauli (SMAN 2 Semarang)
  7. Princessha Margeld (SMA Kristen Kanaan)
  8. Aurelia Xavier (SMAK two Penabur Djakarta)
  9. Roanaldo Oetomo (SMA Santa Ursula BSD)
  10. Arie Prasetyo (SMAK Penabur Cirebon)
  11. Anggi Ramita Dewi (SMAN 2 Padang)
  12. Putri Arta Aritonang (SMAN four Karimun)
  13. Sri Hasanah Widia (SMAN 23 Kab. Tangerang)
  14. Prajna Paramitha Effend (SMAN 16)
  15. Mandy Priscilla (SMA John Pauls)
  16. Igancius Gilbert Chano (SMA Kristen Harapan)
  17. Chandabalo (SMA Setia Bhakti)
  18. Stephen Tjoang (SMAK 5 Bpk Penabur)
  19. Vivi Yunika (SMAK Immanuel Pontianak)
  20. Cynthia Clara (SMA Xaverius one Palembang)

Salah satu peserta dan juga pemenang terbaik OSC 2017 di UMN yaitu Stephen Tjoang.

I of the participants and also the winner with the highest score of OSC 2017 at UMN is Stephen Tjoang.

Of the 20 best participants, three participants were selected who received special awards, namely one participant who got the highest score in the UMN offline test was visited by Stephen Tjoang, then two participants who received transportation subsidies from the Metrotvnews.com achieved by Anggi Ramita Dewi and Vivi Yunika.

Any sacrifice will be fabricated by everyone to go a scholarship and enter the university he wants. Including i of the participants and also the winner of OSC 2017 at UMN, Anggi Ramita Dewi, who is familiarly called Anggi. Anggi is an OSC 2017 participant from Padang. Anggi and his father went to Djakarta to have the OSC offline test since Wednesday (thirteen/12). They traveled iii days and two nights by bus from Padang to Jakarta.

Salah satu peserta dan juga pemenang OSC 2017 di UMN yaitu Anggi Ramita Dewi

1 of the participants and also the winner of OSC 2017 at UMN is Anggi Ramita Dewi.

When met after the event at Kuningan City Hall, Monday (18/12), Anggi revealed his reasons for post-obit osc because tuition fees are now expensive and getting a scholarship is 1 pace ahead of others. In addition, Anggi who chose UMN as his academy of option in OSC because information technology has been since the 10th grade anggi already wants to study at UMN. "Because UMN is focused on technology, it's the aforementioned time I want to take figurer data systems. So it'southward plumbing equipment," explained Anggi revealed the reason why choosing UMN as his dream campus.

Congratulations to Anggi and all OSC 2017 participants who managed to get a scholarship at UMN! May you exist able to join the UMN family in the 2018/2019 schoolhouse yr!

by Yeremia Christopher – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service

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Source: https://www.umn.ac.id/en/third-year-umn-again-provides-scholarships-at-osc-2017/

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